Choose Location of Additional Question
in progress
Stacey Rago
Currently, if you want an Additional Question to be Optional, it is automatically put after the transaction is complete. We would like to ask people to share anything they like about their donation (why they were inspired, whether they want it designated toward a specific program, etc.) and I've already had one person say they were frustrated that they couldn't share anything like that before they made their donation, so they didn't make one and called me instead. While I love talking to our donors, I don't want them feeling frustrated. If I could move the question to earlier in the process, problem solved!
Clair Lofthouse
in progress
Good news! After reviewing all requests, your suggestion has been added to our next roadmap. We do our best to stick to our predictions, but we receive a lot of requests, so there may be unforeseen delays. In the meantime, happy fundraising! You’ll receive email updates about the status of your post. We encourage you to return and vote on others to show your support of additional suggestions. To stay up to date on completed fixes and improvements, as well as new functionality, see our Changelog at
Jared Smith
We need to be able to add more additional questions and map them to respective fields in SF. I would also like them to be able to select from a picklist of options (to match SF). I also agree that I would expect to see those optional question on the main donation page. I think as long as it's clearly identified as optional, then we don't run the risk of losing donors who don't want to answer so many questions.
Matt Connelly
under review
Lisa Sandoval
We also are using our custom field option to have a text question "what inspired you to donate today? And is there anything you would like to tell us about your gift?" and it of course has to come after the donation has been submitted. No one has complained yet to us but I'm sure it's only a matter of time, as a donor would have no way to know that text field is coming.