Allow fundraisers to download list of their donors
under review
We regularly receive requests from people who run peer-to-peer fundraisers to get a full list of who donated to their campaign.
It's against our privacy policy to provide personal information like email addresses, but we can manually export and share the information that would have appeared publicly under "Recent Donors" such as First name, Last name, Donation amount and Donation date/time.
It would save staff time and improve the experience if people running peer-to-peer fundraisers could access this information on their own.
Nick Farano
This is very much needed
Jonathan Poisner
Yes, absolutely. This is a must have from my perspective and I wouldn't have selected GiveLively if I had known this functionality didn't exist. P2P fundraisers should know who donated to their campaigns and the amount, so that they can thank their friends who've donated. It will feel weird to the donor if they only get thanked by the organization and not the friend. Now we have to as an organization continually export lists of donors and whose pages they donate to, email out to each of the P2P folks individually who donated, etc. Lots of extra work we should not have to do.
Matt Connelly
under review
SDS Alliance
Are there any updates on this in terms of timeline? This is such an important feature and expected by our P2P fundraisers.
Matt Connelly
SDS Alliance: Hi Eszter! We've been improving our donation reporting infrastructure--we expect the system to be in an improved state in the next couple of months. Once complete, it will unlock our ability to deliver on a feature like this.
Ultimately, we don't have a specific date we can announce, but is very high on our radar to tackle after the improvements have launched, and we have some preliminary designs as well. Thanks for your patience!
SDS Alliance
Matt Connelly: Hi Matt, any update? It has been a while.
Jeff Stevenson
how about a "Send Thank You" button for team leaders and participants designated in settings by admin/team leaders right on main page that opens text /or email window. admin keeps access control and there is instant feedback on P2P donations.
Christine FitzPatrick
Yes please. I have peer to peer fundraisers who have asked me for this very information. They want to be able to thank their donors. As it is right now it only shows the most recent donors on their page. So they aren't even to see the name of all those that have donated to the page over the course of the campaign. It seems silly that the full list isn't shown and only the last 10.
I know I am able to provide them a list as the nonprofit admin, but as we grow this seems quite cumbersome. Thanks.
Matt Connelly
Merged in a post:
Allow admin/fundraisers to download list of donors
Andrew Metcalf
I get requests all the time from my P2P creators to see who has donated to their platform, so they can thank them. It would be great to let the P2P creators download the list themselves, which I see is already a feature request, but as an admin, I can not even download the list of donors...
I have to go to Stripe and do a search for that specific P2P page and hope that no donations got missed, then filter out all of the extra information and create a "clean" version to give to the P2P creator. Very, very time consuming.
Matt Connelly
We're currently exploring methods to provide the full donor list to fundraisers with data that adheres to privacy policies.
Samantha Banerjee
Matt Connelly: Any update on the status for this one? We are using the P2P platform for the first time now and starting to get tons of requests in from our fundraisers for a list of donors so they can thank them... Our previous platform also sent the team leader (p2p page creator) an email every time someone donated, which would be a fine workaround and maybe easier to implement?
SDS Alliance
Matt Connelly: Any update on the timeline, please? The ability of fundraisers to thank their donors is such a central part of fundraising. They need to know who donated to their efforts.
Natasha Weinstein
I am currently sending my fundraisers weekly donor reports, which is quite cumbersome. Other platforms I have personally used as a P2P fundraiser have allowed me to see my donors. It would save staff time and enable fundraisers more control and ownership over their page if they could see their list at all times.
Matt Connelly
under review
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