Notify fundraisers of donations
Jonathan Poisner
Yes, a 100 times yes. This seems to me essential as a feature. Even a daily email if you don't want to do this for every donation. But real-time is better so that thank yous can be timely from the fundraiser to the donor.
Cara Schmidt
I've had a few people ask for this this year. And now, two weeks after our GT campaign has slowed down-but gifts continue to come in- it's nice for people to see that things are happening on their pages after it's left top-of-mind.
Olivia Gulin
Merged in a post:
Notify P2P fundraisers of donations.
Ryan Matthews
I know the system already sends automated messages to member admins, but notifying P2P fundraisers of donations as they come in would be so helpful in not only giving P2P fundraisers a heads up, but also allowing them to reach out and thank their donors. Cannot stress how much we would welcome that addition to what is otherwise an incredible platform.
Joe Small
Agreed. This would be a great feature.
Wende Burbridge
Nichole Guerra
Ryan Matthews and Gabriella Stern: There is another thread with this request that currently has 25+ upvotes! Can you add your vote there as well?
Ryan Matthews
Nichole Guerra: done and done! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Gabriella Stern
Nichole Guerra: done!
Nichole Guerra
Agree 100%. We actually had to enter into a contract with another donation platform for this reason alone :(
Gabriella Stern
I agree! I understand the privacy concerns, but since P2P fundraisers are in charge of their own campaigns, it's important for the fundraiser to have transparency in who from their network is making a contribution.
Sandy Smith
Yes please!
Richard Gambale
Along with our external fundraisers appreciating this, we can sometimes benefit from this internally (I'm also hoping/assuming that an alert directly from GiveLively could contain more customized messaging, including some custom data that GL collects that wouldn't necessarily be included if we set up alerts from Stripe instead).
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